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(A) It consists of a 6mm bore glass tube is contained in enameled and lacquered brass case mounted on a polished wooden board with plates for fixing to wall, open plate reflectors and ring and screws for vertical adjustment. The silvered scale, graduated in inches and mm are read by vernier moving by rack and pinion to 1/200 in and 1/10mm and are enclosed in glass cylinder. A glass cylinder at the lower end of the barometer is provided with an ivory point to which the level of the mercury in the cistern is adjusted before readings are taken. A ring support and three locking screws at base of instrument provide a means of securing the barometer in a vertical position. Fitted with thermometer with centigrade and Fahrenheit scale. Supplied without mercury but with instructions for filling the barometer.

(B) BAROMETER CASE: - For FORTINS barometer made of wood nicely polished with three sides glass panels.                                                
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